POSGRADO: ESPECIALIZACIÓN EN DISEÑO CONCEPTUAL (UNTREF)[postgraduate: specialization in conceptual design]

Pedagogical project created by Ricardo Blanco and Sebastián Tedesco that, together with a team of teachers and researchers, explores the links between industrial design and contemporary art.


The Specialization Course in Conceptual Design aims to identify, reason and experiment on the substantive change of the concept of “design” with the participation of young teachers linked to art and design. We believe that art as a field of aesthetic experimentation can enrich this search.


In the postgraduate we seek to order the new paradigms in these disciplines, paradigms that are not based on certainties but rather pass through uncertainty. Being the “unknown” a recognizable parameter, it is very risky to presuppose a petrified or fixed orientation in the creative disciplines.

It is from these premises that this educational project is approached based on prospective experimentation that allows critical reflection on new emergencies. The future is something to be “worked”, “built”, “projected”, it is this doing that tautologically explains it, generating more questions than answers in a context of crisis.


In that future, will the uses and customs and the objects that feed and resolve them be the same? Will consumption continue to be aimed at objects or will it definitely move towards services through new instruments?


These are some of the requirements that we will make to design objects.


Will the path of the arts be the one that will intersect with design to solve certain problems of society? Will these disciplines come closer or will each one resolve itself and follow its own course?


These are part of the challenges to be faced in Conceptual Design, it is from there that we are interested in generating an opportunity for experimentation for young creatives of both disciplines so that these issues are installed from their professional and academic roles.