PREMIO BRAQUE [braque award]

The National University of Tres de Febrero and the French Embassy in Argentina, in  collaboration with the Instituto Frances, launched the fourth edition of the Braque Award, held in 2019.


For this edition of the award, Sebastián Tedesco participated as a selection jury and co-curator of the exhibition. The selection was in charge of a committee formed ad hoc and conformed by Florencia Qualina, Diego Bianchi, Sebastián Tedesco, Caroline Coll (representative of the French Embassy), Benedetta Casini and Diana Wechsler.


The selected artists are:


Erica Bohm / Nacha Canvas / Alfredo Dufour / Celina Eceiza / Mariana Ferrari / Mónica Heller / Mariana López / Nicolás Mastracchio / Gustavo Nieto / Malena Pizani / Belén Romero Gunset / Juan Sorrentino / Julián Sorter / Cecilia Szalkowicz / Dani Zelko.