CAMIONES DE CARGA (2018) [cargo trucks]



“Camiones de Carga” it’s a work piece constituted by a series of toy trucks intervened and transformed into electric extenders with multiple intakes.


The work explores the limits between art and design, and the relations between functionality and play in representation.


Trucks literally represent the attributes of the functionality that they simulate: the possibility of moving on wheels and the capacity of a cargo area. The intervention activates those simulated functionalities destined to the game turning them into real functionalities, turning the children’s game into an adult game, the game of art.


This installation was presented within the framework of a joint exhibition with Diego Alberti called “Condensación”.


A giant condenser, located in the middle of the room, invites to suspend disbelief while storing the energy that feeds an entire machinery where matter changes state. In this version of the non-space described by Gibson, the lines of light do not evoke a city that moves away: the works of Diego and Sebastian make the dispersion concentrate and the multiple becomes compact.





Show “Condensación (Cambio de estado)”. Espacio Pla Gallery. Show together with Diego Alberti and texts by Jazmín Adler.