Marathon at the MuseoMar of Mar del Plata (July 2019)

¡BIENALSURat the City of Mar del Plata!


On July 13, join the Jorge Macchi and Edgardo Rudnitzky “Marathon” at the MuseoMar.

For the first time, the artists will show in dialogue all of their joint work carried out since 2003, which includes videos, video installations, sound installations and performances.


This proposal is carried out within the Fronteras Suspendidas program -a pedagogical and curatorial project that has been developed at the MuseoMar since 2016, coordinated by Sebastian Tedesco and Mariano Luna- that proposes a space for thought and creation in relation to the limits and permeable contacts that they separate contemporary art from the other.


The event will be presented in two blocks from 12:30 to 15:00 and from 15:30 to 18:00 KM 411 – MuseoMar – Av. Félix U. Camet & López de Gomara, Mar del Plata.


More info about the Marathon: Add

More info on Bienalsur: Here

Más info sobre Fronteras suspendidas: Add