VAJILLA EMOCIONAL [emotional tableware] (2021)



Authors: Sebastián Tedesco and Bruno Mesz


Scents: IFF


Transmodal tableware is an installation that includes videos, sounds, images and aromas. It is inspired by the conceptual design of a tableware that explores the use of digital devices at the table, conceived from the results of a cognitive pre-test on cross-modal correspondences generated by musical emotions, and aimed at creating multisensory gastronomic atmospheres.


The work consists of an installation that is made up of two parts. On the one hand, four tablets arranged on a wall in which four audiovisual pieces are shown in a loop, each one intended to show the simulation or conceptual prototype of a plate or crockery on which you can eat. Each of these dishes develops the cross-modal associations of shape, color, materials and aromas obtained in the cognitive pre-test from a musical emotion (Agitated, Awe, Affected and Energetic).


Inspired by recent research on the effect of atmospheres on the perception of food, our installation proposes a reflection on the use of digital devices at the table, which is usually considered in its negative aspects; however, digital technologies also promise opportunities for heightened multisensory culinary experiences.


For this installation we designed tableware oriented to digital tablets based on a cognitive pre-test on transmodal associations generated by musical emotions, aimed at creating multisensory atmospheres for gastronomic contexts. Underlying the idea of ​​the work is a flattened ontology of the senses, where the traditional vertical hierarchy between “primary” and “secondary” senses is relativized and horizontal operations of trans-sensory associations that translate some senses into others are emphasized.


The installation is the continuation of a series of works around the aestheticization of scientific experiments: a two-way loop, where the results of empirical studies in the psychology of multisensory perception are guides for the design of artistic experiences and objects, which in turn, they constitute projects of experimental devices to be used in future research. On the other hand, in contrast to the usual statistical methodology in empirical sciences, where reductions are sought and averages and variances are calculated to present the experimental findings, we seek to incorporate, highlight and hybridize the diversity of the individual results of the experiments by assembly operations.



This work was developed within the framework of the research project “Transmodal Correspondences”, for more information about this project: CLICK AQUÍ






Selected work for “Premio Fundación Andreani” 2020/2021. Buenos Aires.




Premio Fundación Andreani, 2020/2021. Buenos Aires, La Boca.


Participation in “In Kepler’s Garden – The Garden of Curiosity”. ARS ELECTRONICA Festival, Art, Science and Technology. Linz, Austria, 2020. Access the virtual exhibition HERE.