SCRIABIN TRANSEMOCIONAL (2018) [crossemotional scriabin]

Crossmodal Instalative Performance


“Scriabin Transemocional” consists of the presentation of an organ of aromas that responds to the synesthetic associations note-color of the Russian musician Alexander Scriabin, producing combinations of perfumes and colors.


Idea: Bruno Mesz, SebastiánTedesco.

Crossmodal translation: Bruno Mesz, SebastiánTedesco.

Perfumes design: María Zegna.

Realization: Sebastián Tedesco, Camilo Álvarez, Leonardo Potenza, Carlos Sztaynberg.


“Scriabin Transemocional” has been developed within the framework of the research project “Transmodal Correspondences: Technological, Artistic and Healthcare Applications” ( IIAC: Institute of Research in Art and Culture Dr. Norberto Griffa, UNTREF), based in MUNTREF Center for Art and Science, Tecnópolis, Argentina.


The main object of this project is the empirical study of transmodal correspondences between the senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing in a musical context. In the field of applications we develop technologies for creation of multisensory atmospheres for performances, increased interactions with food and perfumes, the promotion of healthy eating behaviors, new musical interfaces; Sensory representations of data with chemical senses (smell and taste).


For more information about this project: CLICK HERE.





Jornadas Nuevos Jardines en el Servente Inter/Trans – Conservatorio Provincial de Música Gilardo Gilardi – La Plata – Provincia de Buenos Aires – 2018.


Muentref Arte y Ciencia – Tecnópolis – Provincia de Buenos Aires – 2018.